Inicio del sábado en el Liceo

Ya hemos hablado de cómo se inicia el segundo día de #WCSevilla16 en el Ágora y ¿cómo se comienza en el Liceo?

A las diez de la mañana, Flavio Masitas, va a hablar de Multimedia en WordPress y a hacer un repaso de porqué es importante prestar atención a cómo trabajamos con los contenidos digitales.

Y a continuación, a las diez y mediaJosé Arcos, nos va a presentar una serie de consejos sobre qué está bien y qué está mal en un servicio de soporte en aprende a decir NO.

Aprovecha el fin de semana para incluir WordCamp Sevilla en tus planes y compra tu entrada aquí.

Acerca de Aranza Respaldiza

My full name is María Aránzazu, though you may know me as María or Arantza. I am a Project Officer at the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC), where I contribute to the implementation of geovisualization strategies aimed at detecting and preventing fraud in the food chain, as well as combating illicit consumer products in the European market. I specialise in crafting narratives through the development of interactive data visualisations. Drawing on my background in data science, I delve into unconventional and less apparent insights within datasets, meticulously preparing and thoughtfully representing statistical nuances. I am also passionate about sharing my knowledge on data visualisation and other topics through workshops and corporate training sessions. Over the course of my career, I have been involved in a wide array of projects, tackling diverse challenges that span from interactive data visualisations and exploratory data analysis to the creation of corporate data tools, course development, training, instruction, and ideation. If you think I might be the right fit for a project, would like to learn more about my research or past work, seek information about this site, or simply wish to say hello, I would be delighted to connect with you. Let’s get started—contact me today!